What is a Pregnancy Epidural?

A Pregnancy epidural is a procedure of injecting local anesthesia around the spinal nerves in your lower back to block pain. It is typically given in pregnancy to numb the lower back and ease the labor pain. It is designed to block the pain in the lower half of the body.

Epidurals are usually provided by: 

Does Pregnancy Epidural Cause Back Pain As Its After Effect?

There is a belief that people have back pains after epidurals, but the fact is, women can have back pain even without having epidurals. The back pain after delivery is caused because the back muscles, bones, and ligaments in the pelvis region are shifting back in their original alignment from the phase of pregnancy, so their gradual movement causes discomfort in the form of back pain. 

Epidurals cause numbness in the application site, which may give some pain later on, but it is common to have pain and soreness after receiving any injection. Though it cannot be confirmed that epidurals do not have any side effects, the chances are rare. 


Irrespective of the cause of your back pain, here are some simple treatments you can follow at home for relieving it:

  1. Massage– As you navigate in your postpartum period, your muscles and bones are restoring themselves. Hence, you must follow proper self-care or pamper regimes. You can take a massage either from a professional or a helper, who will help in soothing and relieving the muscles. You can take a good ayurvedic oil to massage over your back.
  2. Alternate Hot and Cold therapy – Apply alternate hot and cold compresses to minimize discomfort and pain. Take a cold compress for a few weeks followed by a hot compress or hot bath. If you had a C-section surgery, it’s better to delay a hot bath and take it only after the wound heals completely.
  3. Rest – Take sufficient rest. Keep a supportive pillow while resting to support your back.
  4. Exercise– Do some low-impact exercise, especially engaging your core, and you will be surprised that exercises can actually relieve pain more effectively. Seek a doctor’s advice before doing them.

Typically, the pain due to epidural doesn’t last long, but if you have it, it’s better to consult an orthopedic spine doctor in the western suburbs of Malad, Kandivali, and Borivali. You can consult Dr. Akhil Tawari, who has extensive experience in dealing with various spinal disorders. He is one of the best-known orthopedic spine doctors in Borivali, Kandivali, and Malad and one of the best spine surgeons in Mumbai. 

Suppose your back pain has become chronic. You’re looking for an orthopedic spine surgeon in the western suburbs of Mumbai, including Malad, Kandivali, and Borivali; you must visit Dr. Akhil Tawari, one of the experienced spine surgeons in the suburbs. Dr. Tawari is known to offer a wide array of spinal treatment solutions both surgically and nonsurgically. You can reach out to him by visiting his website, where you’ll also find more information about his advanced spine treatments.

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