The backbone, or spine, comprises small bones (vertebrae) stacked with discs, one on top of another. When considered from the facet, a healthy backbone has gentle curves. The curves assist the backbone in absorbing stress from frame movement and gravity.
There are three types of spinal curvature deformities, including:
Several health problems may cause the spine to curve or be misaligned.
The following conditions can cause lordosis:
The following conditions can cause kyphosis:
Doctors do not know what causes scoliosis in adolescents. However, doctors still do know that scoliosis tends to run in families. A disease, injury, infection, or congenital disability also may be to blame.
Symptoms vary depending on the type of curvature disorder and the severity of the case.
In popular, treatment is based totally on the severity and kind of spinal curvature you have. Slight spinal curvature, as postural kyphosis, might not be handled at all. Extra intense spinal curvature might also require a brace or surgical procedure.
Workout programs, chiropractic treatment, electric stimulation, and nutritional dietary supplements have not been tested to save you the worsening of scoliosis. However, it is still ideal for strengthening and versatility to preserve normal function. This may require greater effort and attention in someone with scoliosis. Spinal disorders can’t be ignored. Hence they require immediate attention; for consultation and treatment, book an appointment with Dr. Akhil Tawari.